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Action itemiso(1) Action itemregistration-authority(1) Action itemiso10036(10036)  

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Glyph identifiers


Child OIDs use the glyph registration number in the range between 1 and 4,294,967,295 inclusive.
The technical meaning and representation forms of glyph identifiers are defined in ISO/IEC 9541-1.

The numeric part of the identifier, the decimal number, shall be assigned so as to satisfy the following conditions, listed in descending order of priority:
  1. Each assigned identifier shall be for a glyph distinct from all others in their design-independent shape and their description, with a description that is clear, concise and non-intersecting of others.
  2. Identifiers should be assigned in simple relationship to existing international character coding standards. Simple relationship implies that, where reasonable, sequence and glyph description shall be respected.
  3. Glyph identifiers which occur together within writing scripts or applications should be grouped together. Where relevant, glyphs should be ordered as they would normally appear within the script, or application.
  4. Glyph identifiers should be assigned densely, and with shorter glyph identifiers assigned first; except that identifiers may be left unassigned to allow for future glyph assignments in compliance with the preceding conditions.

At International Standard publication (1996) the glyph register contained approximately 15,000 of the world's most commonly used glyphs. The glyphs are being provided to the Registry for printing of the register, free of charge, by the Association for Font Information Interchange (AFII) and supporting font vendors.
At International Standard publication (1998) plus two years, the glyph register included an additional 40,000 glyphs representing East Asian languages. These glyphs are being provided free of charge by AFII personnel working in conjunction with East Asian countries and participating academic, industry, and government representatives. This base document of 55,000 glyphs is necessary to provide a register of significant contribution to the font standard.
It is projected that additional growth to the register will be approximately 200 glyphs per year.

More information can be found in ISO/IEC 10036 "Font information interchange -- Procedures for registration of font-related identifiers".

Current Registration Authority    


Center for Global Communications (Glocom)


International University of Japan
(See ISO/IEC 10036:1996 Corr.1:2001)
Harks Roppongi Bldg. 2F, 6-15-21 Roppongi
Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0032


+81 354116681 
Fax: +81 354127111
First Registration Authority    


Association for Font Information Interchange

To contact the registration authority, replace "&" by "@" in the email address


Post Office Box 33683
Northglenn, Colorado 80233-0683
United States (the)


+1 303 9247670 
Fax: +1 303 4515475
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