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upsOutputShareCurrentfifth OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
UNITS "Amps"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"In a parallel system ideally all the UPS are requested to
contribute to the load with the same amount of current,
i.e. with no current share. The current share occurs when an
UPS exchanges some current with another UPS, so that this
current component doesn't feed the load.
The share part of the UPS current represents an undesired UPS
loading, and therefore it should be minimized. If the share
current is too high, the UPS results overloaded and in some
conditions (i.e. very high load) the system could turn on
bypass reducing dramatically the global system reliability.
PMAD detects the amount of share currents in a parallel system,
generating an alarm if this value is above a parameter-based threshold.
Single UPS systems don't have this feature, NA will be provided.(*)"

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Parent OID: upsOutputEntry-fifth(1) First sibling OID: upsOutputLineIndex-fifth(1) Previous sibling OID: upsOutputPeakCurrentfifth(7)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 14 Sep 2022 Bullet Page top