OID repository
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healthThreshPortTrapData OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
"Contents of port-level rising/falling threshold trap.
The format is as follows:
Octet 1: length including this octet (L)
Octets 2 - L: port threshold trap data,
consisting of threshold crossing
Within each threshold crossing entry, the format is as follows:
Octet 1: length including this octet (l)
Octet 2: type of threshold crossing
Threshold crossing types are:
Rx rising threshold = 1
Rx falling threshold = 2
RxTx rising threshold = 3
RxTx falling threshold = 4
Bkpl rising threshold = 5
Bkpl falling threshold = 6
Vcc rising threshold = 7
Vcc falling threshold = 8
Octets 3 - l: port bit mask
This bit mask is ((N-1)/8)+1
octets long, where N is the
number of ports on the module.
Each port is represented by
one bit in the mask.
The bit for port 1 is the
leftmost bit in octet 1 of
the bit mask.
The bit for port 8 is the
rightmost bit in octet 1 of
the bit mask.
The bit for port 9 is the
leftmost bit in octet 2 of
the bit mask, and so on.
Only those thresholds for which a threshold
crossing event is detected will be present.
This object is not intended to be accessed directly.
It is defined for use in port-level rising/falling
threshold traps."

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Tree display Parent OID: healthThreshInfo(6) First sibling OID: healthThreshDeviceRxLimit(1) Previous sibling OID: healthThreshPortTrapCount(14) Next sibling OID: healthThreshDeviceVccLimit(16) Last sibling OID: healthThreshDeviceVpLimit(18)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 1 Feb 2018 Bullet Page top