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pktcDectFPExtendedCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX BITS {unused0(0), unused1(1), unused2(2), unused3(3), unused4(4), unused5(5), unused6(6), unused7(7), unused8(8), unused9(9), unused10(10), unused11(11), unused12(12), unused13(13), listAccess(14), unused15(15), unused16(16), unused17(17), unused18(18), parallelCall(19), unused20(20), unused21(21), unused22(22), zeroEmission(23), unused24(24), unused25(25), multipleLines(26), multipleCalls(27), unused28(28), unused29(29), unused30(30), unused31(31)}
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This attribute represents the FP capabilities.
A bit set to '1' indicates support of the specific profile
feature, a bit set to '0' indicates not support of the
profile feature. Bits are numbered left to right (MSB = 0).
The possible values are encoded starting from bit a12 to
Bit a12 represents bit 0 of this enumeration, a47 is bit 35
in this attribute encoding (only the most relevant are
'parallelCall': Common parallel call procedure support
'listAccess': list Access Service support
'zeroEmission': support for Zero Emission
'multipleLines': multiple lines support
'multipleCalls': multiple calls support."

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All rights reserved, Orange © 2024
Parent OID: pktcDectFP(1) First sibling OID: pktcDectFPMaxNumPP(1) Previous sibling OID: pktcDectFPGeneralCapabilities(8)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 5 Oct 2023 Bullet Page top