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pktcMtaDevResetKrbTickets OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX BITS {invalidateProvOnReboot(0), invalidateAllCmsOnReboot(1)}
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"This object defines a Kerberos Ticket Control Mask that
instructs the MTA to invalidate the specific Application
Server Kerberos Ticket(s) that are stored locally in the
MTA NVRAM (non-volatile or persistent memory).
If the MTA does not store Kerberos tickets in NVRAM, it
MUST ignore setting of this object, and MUST report a BITS
value of zero when the object is read.
If the MTA supports Kerberos tickets storage in NVRAM, the
object value is encoded as follows:
- Setting the invalidateProvOnReboot bit (bit 0) to 1
means that the MTA MUST invalidate the Kerberos
Application Ticket(s) for the Provisioning Application
at the next MTA reboot (if secure SNMP provisioning mode
is used). In non secure provisioning modes, the MTA MUST
return an 'inconsistentValue' in response to SNMP SET
operations with a bit 0 set to 1.
- Setting the invalidateAllCmsOnReboot bit (bit 1) to 1
means that the MTA MUST invalidate the Kerberos
Application Ticket(s) for all CMSes currently assigned
to the MTA endpoints."
"PacketCable Security Specification"
DEFVAL {{}}}


Automatically extracted from Rec. ITU-T J.166 (note: Recs ITU-T J.168 and J.169 were withdrawn in 2006 after their content were updated and incorporated in Rec. ITU-T J.166 (2015)).

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Parent OID: pktcMtaDevSecurity(3) First sibling OID: pktcMtaDevManufacturerCertificate(1) Previous sibling OID: pktcMtaCmsMapTable(18)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 22 Feb 2023 Bullet Page top