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pktcMtaDevProvisioningState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {pass(1), inProgress(2), failConfigFileError(3), passWithWarnings(4), passWithIncompleteParsing(5), failureInternalError(6), failOtherReason(7)}
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This object indicates the completion state of the
MTA device provisioning process.
If the configuration file could be parsed
successfully and the MTA is able to reflect the same in
its MIB, the MTA MUST return the value 'pass'.
If the MTA is in the process of being provisioned,
the MTA MUST return the value 'inProgress'.
If the configuration file was in error due to
incorrect values in the mandatory parameters, the MTA MUST
reject the configuration file and the MTA MUST return the
value 'failConfigFileError'.
If the configuration file had proper values for
all the mandatory parameters but has errors in any of
the optional parameters (this includes any vendor specific
OIDs which are incorrect or not known to the MTA), the MTA
MUST return the value 'passWithWarnings'.
If the configuration file is valid, but the MTA
cannot reflect the same in its configuration (for example,
too many entries caused memory exhaustion), it must accept
the CMS configuration entries related and the MTA MUST
return the value 'passWithIncompleteParsing'.
If the configuration file cannot be parsed due to
an internal error, the MTA MUST return the value
If the MTA cannot accept the configuration file for
any other reason than the ones stated above, the MTA MUST
return the value 'failureOtherReason'.
When a final SNMP INFORM is sent as part of Step 25 of
the MTA Provisioning process, this parameter is also
included in the final INFORM message."
"PacketCable MTA Device Provisioning Specification"


Automatically extracted from Rec. ITU-T J.166.

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Parent OID: pktcMtaDevBase(1) First sibling OID: pktcMtaDevResetNow(1) Previous sibling OID: pktcMtaDevTypeIdentifier(8) Next sibling OID: pktcMtaDevHttpAccess(10) Last sibling OID: pktcMtaDevSwCurrentVers(14)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 22 Feb 2023 Bullet Page top