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docsIfExt2CmtsUpChannelMscState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {channelEnabled(1), channelDisabled(2), dormant(3)}
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"Indicates the state of the Maximum Scheduled Codes feature
for an individual logical channel on the CMTS.
The state will transition automatically from dormant(5) to
ChannelEnabled(1) and vice-versa when the feature is
globally enabled by the object
channelEnabled(1) S-CDMA Maximum Scheduled Codes
is enabled in the UCD TLV-17.
channelDisabled(2) S-CDMA Maximum Scheduled Codes
is disabled in the UCD TLV-17 or a UCD has been
sent that does not contain that TLV.
Dormant(3) The CMTS channel is being set to
channelEnabled(2) but MSC is globally disabled
(docsIfExt2CmtsMscGlobalEnable is false(2) ).
This value is explicitly read-only."
DEFVAL {channelDisabled}

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Parent OID: docsIfExt2CmtsUpChannelMscEntry(1) Next sibling OID: docsIfExt2CmtsUpChannelMSCTotalCMs(2) Last sibling OID: docsIfExt2CmtsUpChannelMSCMinimumValue(4)
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