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Action itemiso(1) Action itemidentified-organization(3) Action itemdod(6) Action iteminternet(1) Action itemprivate(4) Action itementerprise(1) Action item4325 Action itembsu(3) Action itemaniBsuWirelessIf(2) Action itemaniBsuWirelessIfConfTable(15) Action itemaniBsuWirelessIfConfEntry(1)  

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OID description

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aniBsuWirelessIfConfTargetFrequency OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"The Target Frequency in MHz.

Its range depends on Channel Width.

1) 5.3 GHz UNII Band (5250 - 5350 MHz). The center
frequencies in this band are within 5250 + Half of
Channel Width MHz and 5350 - Half of Channel Width MHz
and can have any integer value (in MHz)

2) 5.8 GHz UNII Band (5725 - 5825 MHz). The center
frequencies in this band are within 5725 + Half of
Channel Width MHz and 5825 - Half of Channel Width MHz
and can have any integer value (in MHz).

3) 5.8 GHz General (5650 - 5925 MHz). The center
frequencies in this band are within 5650 + Half of
Channel Width MHz and 5925 - Half of Channel Width MHz
and can have any integer value (in MHz).

4) 2.6 GHz MMDS Band (2500 - 2689 MHz). The center
frequencies in this band are 2503 + 6N MHz
where N = 0,1,2,.,30

5) 2.6 GHz General (2500 - 2700 MHz). The center
frequencies in this band are within 2500 + Half of
Channel Width MHz and 2700 - Half of Channel Width
MHz and can have any integer value (in MHz).

6) 3.5 GHz General (3300 - 3800 MHz). The center
frequencies in this band are within 3300 + Half of
Channel Width MHz and 3800 - Half of Channel Width
MHz and can have any integer value (in MHz).

7) 3.5 GHz ETSI Band - 50 MHz duplexing Scheme
(3410 - 3800 MHz).

8) 3.5 GHz ETSI Band - 100 MHz duplexing scheme
(3410 - 3800 MHz).

10) 5.8 GHz ISM Band (5725 - 5850 MHz). The center
frequencies in this band are within 5725 + Half of
Channel Width MHz and 5850 - Half of Channel Width
MHz and can have any integer value (in MHz).

11) 5.3 GHz General Band (5150 - 5350 MHz). The center
frequencies in this band are within 5150 + Half of
Channel Width MHz and 5350 - Half of Channel Width MHz
and can have any integer value (in MHz)

Note: The term Half of Channel Width in all the descriptions
above, is a rounded off value (with 0.5 rounded to 1).

Note: When this object is changed through SNMP agent,
the value could take effect immediately depending on
the current channel center frequency value. If
aniBsuWirelessIfConfTargetFrequency is modified, but
the current aniBsuChannelFrequency value is still one of
the entries in aniBsuWirelessFreqOperTable, then the target
frequency will not take effect immediately. However it
could take effect later on when the current frequency entry is
deleted from the frequency table."

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All rights reserved, Orange © 2024
Tree display Parent OID: aniBsuWirelessIfConfEntry(1) Next sibling OID: aniBsuWirelessIfConfVerifyAllSu(2) Last sibling OID: aniBsuWirelessIfConfModify(50)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 30 Apr 2021 Bullet Page top