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Action itemiso(1) Action itemidentified-organization(3) Action itemdod(6) Action iteminternet(1) Action itemprivate(4) Action itementerprise(1) Action item2636 Action itemjnxAgentCapability(11) Action itemjnxipMcastCapability(5)  

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STATUS current
INCLUDES { ipMcastMIBRouteProtoGroup,
-- ipMcastMIBRouteProtoGroup
VARIATION ipMcastRouteProtocol
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write is not supported. This object return protocol via
which multicast entry learned"
VARIATION ipMcastRouteRtProtocol
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write is not supported. This object return routing mechanism via
which the route used to find the upstream or parent interface
for this multicast forwarding entry was learned"
VARIATION ipMcastRouteRtAddressType
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write is not supported. This object return value indicating the
address family of the address contained in ipMcastRouteRtAddress"
VARIATION ipMcastRouteRtAddress
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write is not supported. This object return The address portion
of the route used to find the upstream or parent interface for
this multicast forwarding entry"
VARIATION ipMcastRouteRtPrefixLength
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write is not supported. This object return length in bits
of the mask associated with the route used to find the
upstream or parent interface"
VARIATION ipMcastRouteRtType
unicast (1),
multicast (2)
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write is not supported"
VARIATION ipMcastRouteNextHopProtocol
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write is not supported. This object return routing mechanism via
which this next-hop was learned"
-- ipMcastMIBBasicGroup
VARIATION ipMcastEnabled
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
VARIATION ipMcastRouteEntryCount
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write is not supported. This object return The number of rows
in the ipMcastRouteTable"
VARIATION ipMcastDeviceConfigStorageType
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write is not supported. Always returns value 2 meaning it is
-- ipMcastMIBSsmGroup
VARIATION ipMcastSsmRangeRowStatus
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not Supported."
VARIATION ipMcastSsmRangeStorageType
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write is not supported. Always returns value 2 meaning it is
-- ipMcastMIBRouteGroup
VARIATION ipMcastInterfaceTtl
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write is not supported. Always return 0 which means all the
multicast packets are forwarded out the interface."
VARIATION ipMcastInterfaceRateLimit
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write is not supported. Always return value 0 means no rate
limiting is done."
VARIATION ipMcastInterfaceStorageType
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write is not supported. Always returns value 2 meaning it is
VARIATION ipMcastRouteUpstreamNeighborType
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Support either ipv4 or ipv6. This object return value
indicating the address family of the address contained
in ipMcastRouteUpstreamNeighbor"
VARIATION ipMcastRouteUpstreamNeighbor
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "This object return address of the upstream neighbor from which
IP datagrams from these sources to this multicast address are
VARIATION ipMcastRouteInIfIndex
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "This object return ifIndex for the interface on which IP
datagrams sent by these sources to this multicast address
are received."
VARIATION ipMcastRouteTimeStamp
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "This object return value of sysUpTime at which the multicast
routing information represented by this entry was learned by the
VARIATION ipMcastRouteExpiryTime
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "This object return The minimum amount of time remaining before
this entry will be aged out."
VARIATION ipMcastRouteNextHopState
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "This object return state of interface currently being used to
forward IP datagrams."
VARIATION ipMcastRouteNextHopTimeStamp
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "This object return value of sysUpTime at which the multicast
routing information represented by this entry was learned by the
VARIATION ipMcastRouteNextHopExpiryTime
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Always return Zero (0)."
-- ipMcastMIBBoundaryIfGroup
VARIATION ipMcastBoundaryTimeStamp
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Always return Zero (0)"
VARIATION ipMcastBoundaryDroppedMcastOctets
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Always return Zero (0)."
VARIATION ipMcastBoundaryDroppedMcastPkts
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "This object return the number of multicast packets that
have been dropped as a result of this zone boundary
VARIATION ipMcastBoundaryStatus
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write is not supported. Always display as active."
VARIATION ipMcastBoundaryStorageType
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write is not supported. Alayws return nonVolatile(3)"
VARIATION ipMcastZoneScopeDefaultZoneIndex
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION "not supported."
VARIATION ipMcastZoneScopeAddressType
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION "not supported."
VARIATION ipMcastZoneScopeAddress
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION "not supported."
VARIATION ipMcastZoneScopeAddressPrefixLength
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION "not supported."
-- ipMcastMIBScopeNameGroup
VARIATION ipMcastScopeNameString
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write is not supported. This object return textual name
associated with the multicast scope."
VARIATION ipMcastScopeNameDefault
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write is not supported. Always set as false."
VARIATION ipMcastScopeNameStatus
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write is not supported. Always display as active."
VARIATION ipMcastScopeNameStorageType
ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write is not supported. Alayws return nonVolatile(3)."

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