OID repository
OID Repository
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child OID: Child OID separator provContainerEntry(1) Child OID separator
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OID description

OID: (ASN.1 notation)
(dot notation)
(OID-IRI notation)


provContainerTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table defines the objects that support provisioning of
'container' class physical entities. Provisioning sets up a
'container' to hold a specified physical entity. This allows
a management client to configure the specified physical entity,
including all of its subordinates physical entities, before
Provisioning allows the network manager to 'create' the
physical entities that represent the new modules. In
essence, the device simulates the installation of the new
modules into the system. This has the effect of creating all
conceptual rows in all the necessary tables that support the
physical entity and all its subordinate physical entities (e.g.,
entPhysicalTable, and ifTable).
The table extends some entries in the entPhysicalTable
(see ENTITY-MIB for further details). A entry appears in
this table for a physical entity matching the following
1) Its entPhysicalClass object has a value of 'container';
2) It can contain one (but not multiple) physical entity;
3) It supports provisioning.
The following states cause an alarm to be raised at the level
of the containing module:
IF provAssignmentState = assigned(1)
provEquipmentState = unequipped(2)
THEN 'eqMissing' alarm
IF provEquipmentState = invalid(3)
THEN 'eqNotAccepted' alarm"

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Tree display Parent OID: config(5) First child OID: provContainerEntry(1) Next sibling OID: neBackupRestore(2) Last sibling OID: snmpAgent(7)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 21 Mar 2022 Bullet Page top