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hwDslamNacSlaveConfigFailReason OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {timeout(1), vlanconflict(2), unknownparameter(3), exist(4), other(5), notsupportaggregation(6), invalidipaddress(7), slavedecryptfail(8), slavenotsupportsec(9), sharekeynotexist(10), setautodeploypolicyfail(11), slavenotsupportsnmpv3(12)}
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Indicates the cause of the failure to configure NAC parameters of the slave port.
This node is valid only when the value of hwDslamNacSlaveConfigResult is addfail(4) or delfail(6).
This node is read-only.
1. timeout(1) -indicates configuration timeout.
2. vlanconflict(2) -indicates VLAN ID conflict.
3. unknownparameter(3) -indicates unknown parameters.
4. exist(4) -indicates that the configuration already exists.
5. other(5) -indicates other errors or invalid value.
6. notsupportaggregation(6) -indicates the slave node board of this type does not
support the scenario in which the master node is a manual aggregation group.
7. invalidipaddress(7) -indicates that the IP address is invalid. For example,
the IP network segment conflicts with that of the meth interface of the nac slave node.
8. slavedecryptfail(8) -indicates the slave node fails to decrypt.
9. slavenotsupportsec(9) -indicates the slave node does not support the security mode.
10. sharekeynotexist(10) -indicates the share-key does not exist.
11. setautodeploypolicyfail(11) -indicates that the auto-deployment policy fails to be set.
12. slavenotsupportsnmpv3(12) -indicates that the slave node does not support SNMP v3."

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Parent OID: hwDslamNacSlaveInfoEntry(1) First sibling OID: hwDslamNacSlaveMac(1) Previous sibling OID: hwDslamNacSlaveConfigResult(7) Next sibling OID: hwDslamNacSlaveSecurityCapability(9) Last sibling OID: hwDslamNacSlaveSnmpProfile(12)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 7 May 2024 Bullet Page top