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powerPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"The short name of the power policy. The following are the possible
names and their detailed description:

Power Module Redundancy
Intended for a single AC power source into the chassis
where each Power Module is on its own dedicated circuit.
Total allowed power draw is limited to one less than the
number of Power Modules when more than one Power Module is
present. One Power Module can fail without affecting blade
operation. Multiple Power Module failures can cause
the chassis to power off. Note that some blades may not be
allowed to power on if doing so would exceed the policy power

Power Module Redundancy with Blade Throttling Allowed
Very similar to the Power Module Redundancy policy. This
policy allows you to draw more total power; however, capable
blades may be allowed to throttle down if one Power Module fails.

Basic Power Management
Total allowed power is higher than other policies and is limited only
by the total power capacity of all the Power Modules up to the maximum
of chassis power rating. This is the least conservative approach, since
it does not provide any protection for AC power source or Power Module
failure. If any single power supply fails, blade and/or chassis
operation may be affected."

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Tree display Parent OID: powerPolicyEntry(1) First sibling OID: powerPolicyIndex(1) Previous sibling OID: powerPolicyIndex(1) Next sibling OID: powerPolicyPwrSupplyFailureLimit(3) Last sibling OID: powerPolicyActivate(6)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 21 Jan 2019 Bullet Page top