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echoTestPeriodicTableStatus OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"The status of the PeriodicTable.
Only those communities with level4 access shall have access to this
When the agent sets the status of a row in the echoTestPeriodicTable
to underCreation, it must set this object to beingModified(4). This
object must be reset to valid(1) after the row leaves the
underCreation state (either by being set to valid or invalid). The
agent should not allow the management station to modify this object
when it's value is beingModified(4).
The status for any row should be ignored by a manager that has
successfully placed the table underRecovery(3). Managers trying to
operate on row status during the recovery operation should fail.
Management stations which start walking the table after ensuring
the table status is valid should ensure the table has remained
unchanged during the walk by checking the PeriodicTableLastEdit.
A management station cannot set the state to underRecovery(3). To
initiate a recovery operation, the management station must set this
object to recoveryRequest(2). The agent must clear the table
entries when setting this object to recoveryRequest. If successful,
the management station may download the echo test table. If
unsuccessful, then the contents of the PeriodicTable cannot be
The table shall exist in the underRecovery state until the management
station has finished downloading the table and sets this object back
to valid(1). If the agent determines the table has been in the
underRecovery(3) state for an abornmally long time, it may decide that
the management station has crashed. The agent then can set the clear
the table and set this object to valid(1)."

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All rights reserved, Orange © 2024
Parent OID: echoTest(6) First sibling OID: echoTestSSTable(1) Previous sibling OID: echoTestPeriodicTableLastEdit(7) Next sibling OID: echoTestNovellDefaultGateway(9) Last sibling OID: echoTestNovellDefaultGateway(9)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 18 Nov 2020 Bullet Page top