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child OID: Child OID separator smfCfgInterfaceEntry(1) Child OID separator
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OID description

OID: (ASN.1 notation)
(dot notation)
(OID-IRI notation)


smfCfgInterfaceTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The SMF Interface Table describes the SMF
interfaces that are participating in the
SMF packet forwarding process. The ifIndex is
from the interfaces group defined in the
Interfaces Group MIB module (RFC 2863). As such,
this table 'sparse augments' the ifTable
specifically when SMF is to be configured to
operate over this interface.
A conceptual row in this table exists if and only
if either a manager has explicitly created the row
or there is an interface on the managed device
that automatically supports and runs SMF as part
of the device's initialization process.
The manager creates a row in this table by setting
the rowStatus to 'createAndGo' or 'createAndWait'.
Row objects having associated DEFVAL clauses are
automatically defined by the agent with these
values during row creation, unless the manager
explicitly defines these object values during the
row creation.
As the smfCfgInterfaceTable sparsely augments the
IfTable. Hence,
+ an entry cannot exist in smfCfgInterfaceTable
without a corresponding entry in the ifTable.
+ if an entry in the ifTable is removed, the
corresponding entry (if it exists) in the
smfCfgInterfaceTable MUST be removed.
+ the smfCfgIfStatus can have a value of
'enabled' or 'disabled' independent of the
current value of the ifAdminStatus of the
corresponding entry in the ifTable.
The values of the objects smfCfgAdminStatus and
smfCfgIfAdminStatus reflect the up-down status of
the SMF process running on the device and on the
specific interfaces, respectively. Hence,
+ the value of the smfCfgAdminStatus can be
'enabled' or 'disabled' reflecting the current
running status of the SMF process on the device.
+ the value of the smfCfgIfAdminStatus can be
'enabled' or 'disabled' if the value of the
smfCfgAdminStatus is set to 'enabled'.
+ if the value of the smfCfgAdminStatus is
'disabled', then the corresponding
smfCfgIfAdminStatus objects MUST be set
to 'disabled' in the smfCfgInterfaceTable.
+ once the value of the smfCfgAdminStatus changes
from 'disabled' to 'enabled', it is up to the
management system to make the corresponding
changes to the smfCfgIfAdminStatus values
back to 'enabled'."
"RFC 2863 - 'The Interfaces Group MIB', McCloghrie,
K., and F. Kastenholtz, June 2000."


Automatically extracted from IETF RFC 7367.

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Tree display Parent OID: smfConfigurationGroup(2) First child OID: smfCfgInterfaceEntry(1) First sibling OID: smfCfgAdminStatus(1) Previous sibling OID: smfCfgAddrForwardingTable(13)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 22 Jan 2020 Bullet Page top