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child OID: Child OID separator smfCfgAddrForwardingEntry(1) Child OID separator
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OID description

OID: (ASN.1 notation)
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(OID-IRI notation)


smfCfgAddrForwardingTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SmfCfgAddrForwardingEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The smfCfgAddrForwardingTable is essentially a filter
table (if populated) that identifies addresses/packets
to be forwarded via the local SMF flooding process.
The IP Multicast MIB module in RFC 5132 manages objects
related to standard IP multicast, which could be running
in parallel to SMF on the device.
RFC 5132 manages traditional IP-based multicast (based
upon multicast routing mechanisms). The SMF-MIB module
provides management for a MANET subnet-based flooding
mechanism that may be used for multicast transport
(through SMF broadcast) depending upon the MANET dynamics
and other factors regarding the MANET subnet. Further,
they may coexist in certain MANET deployments
using the smfCfgAddrForwardingTable to hand certain IP
multicast addresses to the SMF process and other IP
multicast packets to be forwarded by other
multicast mechanisms that are IP route based. SMF and
the associated SMF-MIB module are experimental and these
are some of the experiments to be had with SMF and
the SMF-MIB module.
This is the (conceptual) table containing information on
multicast addresses that are to be forwarded by the SMF
process. This table represents an IP filters table for
forwarding (or not) packets based upon their IP
multicast address.
The SMF process can be configured to forward only those
multicast addresses found within the
smfCfgAddrForwardingTable. As such, addresses that are
to be forwarded by the SMF process MUST be found within
the address ranges configured within this table, unless
this table is empty.
Each row is associated with a range of multicast
addresses, and ranges for different rows must be disjoint.
Different rows MAY share a common
smfCfgAddrForwardingGroupName to administratively
associate different rows.
The objects in this table are persistent and, when written,
the entity SHOULD save the change to non-volatile storage."
"See Section 9.1 'Forwarded Multicast Groups' in
RFC 6621 - 'Simplified Multicast Forwarding',
Macker, J., Ed., May 2012."


Automatically extracted from IETF RFC 7367.

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Tree display Parent OID: smfConfigurationGroup(2) First child OID: smfCfgAddrForwardingEntry(1) First sibling OID: smfCfgAdminStatus(1) Previous sibling OID: smfCfgNhdpRssaAddrBlockTLVIncluded(12) Next sibling OID: smfCfgInterfaceTable(14) Last sibling OID: smfCfgInterfaceTable(14)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 22 Jan 2020 Bullet Page top