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OID description

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appcModeOperOutBoundCompLevel OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Specifies the maximum level of compression supported for
outbound data. The local LU uses this value in conjunction
with appcModeOperCompression for negotiation during session
activation (SNA BIND).
none - specifies that no compression is to be used.
rle - specifies run-length encoding compression
in which a 1 or 2 byte sequence substitution is
used for each repeated run of the same character.
lz9 - specifies Lempel-Ziv-like compression in which
9 bit codes are used to substitute repeated
substrings in the data stream. These codes are
indices that refer to entries in a common
dictionary generated adaptively at both sender and
receiver as the data flows and compression occurs.
The larger of number bits used for the code, the
more storage space is required for the dictionary,
but the larger the compression ratio.
lz10 - specifies a 10 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression.
lz12 - specifies a 12 bit code Lempel-Ziv-like compression."


Automatically extracted from IETF RFC 2051.

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Tree display Parent OID: appcModeOperEntry(1) First sibling OID: appcModeOperLocLuName(1) Previous sibling OID: appcModeOperInBoundCompLevel(21) Next sibling OID: appcModeOperCompRleBeforeLZ(23) Last sibling OID: appcModeOperDrainPart(36)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 24 Feb 2020 Bullet Page top