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ieee8021BridgeEvbUAPSchAdminCDCPRole OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {cdcpRoleB(1), cdcpRoleS(2)}
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The administratively configured value for the local
port's role parameter. The value of AdminRole is not reflected in
the S-channel TLV. The AdminRole may take the value S or B.
S indicates the sender is unwilling to accept S-channels
configuration (mode, # channels supported, channel index) from
its neighbor and that the sender is willing to accept SVID
assignments from the neighbor. Stations usually take the S role.
B indicates the sender is willing to accept S-channels
configuration (mode, # channels supported, channel index)
from its neighbor and that the sender is willing do the best
it can to fill the SVID assignments
from the neighbor. Bridges usually take the B role."


Automatically extracted from IEEE Management Information Bases (MIBs).

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Parent OID: ieee8021BridgeEvbUAPConfigEntry(1) First sibling OID: ieee8021BridgeEvbUAPComponentId(1) Previous sibling OID: ieee8021BridgeEvbUAPSchCdcpAdminEnable(4) Next sibling OID: ieee8021BridgeEvbUAPSchAdminCDCPChanCap(6) Last sibling OID: ieee8021BridgeEvbUAPConfigRowStatus(14)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 3 Feb 2023 Bullet Page top