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Action itemitu-t(0) Action itemrecommendation(0) Action itemh(8) Action itemh341(341) Action itemmib(1) Action itemmmH320Root(2) Action itemh320Entity(1) Action itemh320Capability(1)  

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OID description

OID: (ASN.1 notation)
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(OID-IRI notation)


h320CapsTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"A list of capability entries. Objects are grouped as a
table so that one can use this table in the H.320 terminal,
the H.320 MCU, and the H.320/H.323 gateway.
The total number of capability entries is
equal to the number of H.320 entities in a system.
For instance, there will be one row of capability
in the table of the H.320 terminal. The number of rows
will be equal to the number of H320 entities in the MCU
and the H320/H323 gateway.
These entries describe the general capability of a system.
Within a particular call, the behavior of the system is
further constrained by the characteristics of the call itself.
For example, h320CapsEntityMaxVideoRate describes
the maximum video rate a system can handle (perhaps
due to processing constraints). A particular call's transfer
rate may limit video to a lower rate "


Automatically extracted from Rec. ITU-T H.341 (1999) with Tech. Corr. 1 (2014) applied.

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Tree display Parent OID: h320Capability(1) First child OID: h320CapsEntry(1)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 3 Sep 2020 Bullet Page top