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priorityMode ATTRIBUTE
WITH ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX MTPDefinedTypesModule.PriorityMode;
"This attribute is necessary in case of creating a signRouteNePart instance
or modifiying its priority attribute. It describes the influence of the
management action on the priority attributes of other signRouteNePart
instances contained in the same signRouteSetNePart.
This attribute is only writable, and this only together with the writing of
attribute flexiblePriority. The meanings of the attribute values are:
EQUAL: If by modifying the priority with priorityMode 'EQUAL' a 'priority
gap' would come into existence, then for the priorities of all created
signRouteNePart instances from the same signRouteSetNePart with priorities
lower than the 'gap priority' the priority value has to be decremented by one.
INSERT: Priority values of all created signRouteNePart instances from the
same signRouteSetNePart with equal or lower priorities are incremented by one.
EXCHANGE_SINGLE: The priority values of all created signRouteNePart
instances from the same signRouteSetNePart which have the specified 'target'
priority value, are exchanged for the last ('starting') priority value of
the specified signRouteNePart instance.
EXCHANGE_GROUP: The priority values of all created signRouteNePart instances
from the same signRouteSetNePart which have the specified 'target' priority
value, are exchanged for the last ('starting') priority value of the
specified signRouteNePart instance. Additionally the priority values of all
created signRouteNePart instances from the same signRouteSetNePart, which
have the same value as the 'starting' priority value of the specified
signRouteNePart instance, are changed to the 'target' value.";;


Automatically extracted from Rec. ITU-T Q.751.1.

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Tree display Parent OID: attribute(7) First sibling OID: adjPc(1) Previous sibling OID: pointCode(55) Next sibling OID: q704-t1(57) Last sibling OID: timeD(178)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 2 Sep 2020 Bullet Page top