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OID registration authority for United Arab Emirates   Action itemOperation of a country registration authority
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United Arab Emirates is using the following OID for domestic purposes:

Country OID Agreement
United Arab Emirates {joint-iso-itu-t(2) country(16) ae(784)} Agreement
(Aug 2017)

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OID description

OID: (ASN.1 notation)
(dot notation)
(OID-IRI notation)


United Arab Emirates (UAE)


At its plenary meeting on 6 Sep 2017, ITU-T SG17 noted that, according to an agreement co-signed by the Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (Administration representing UAE in the ITU) and the Emirates Authority of Standardization and Metrology (organization representing UAE in ISO), the Telecommunication Regulatory Authority is the registration authority for this OID. This decision will be further noted by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 at its plenary meeting on 3 Nov 2017.

First Registration Authority    


Abdulrahman Almarzouqi

To contact the registration authority, replace "&" by "@" in the email address


Telecommunication and Digital Government Regulatory Authority
Director Policy and Programs Department
P.O. Box Dubai 116688
United Arab Emirates (the)


+971 47774083

Creation date:

29 August 2017

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