OID repository
OID Repository
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Navigating the OID tree

child OIDs: Child OID separator pingNotifications(0) Child OID separator pingObjects(1) Child OID separator pingConformance(2) Child OID separator pingImplementationTypeDomains(3) Child OID separator
Separation line
OID description

OID: (ASN.1 notation)
(dot notation)
(OID-IRI notation)


LAST-UPDATED "200606130000Z" -- 13 June 2006
ORGANIZATION "IETF Distributed Management Working Group"
"Juergen Quittek
NEC Europe Ltd.
Network Laboratories
Kurfuersten-Anlage 36
69115 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221 4342-115
Email: quittek@netlab.nec.de"
"The Ping MIB (DISMAN-PING-MIB) provides the capability of
controlling the use of the ping function at a remote
Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006). This version of
this MIB module is part of RFC 4560; see the RFC itself for
full legal notices."
-- Revision history
REVISION "200606130000Z" -- 13 June 2006
"Updated version, published as RFC 4560.
- Correctly considered IPv6 in DESCRIPTION
clause of pingCtlDataSize
- Replaced references to RFC 2575 by RFC 3415
- Replaced references to RFC 2571 by RFC 3411
- Replaced references to RFC 2851 by RFC 4001
- Added DEFVAL { {} } to definition of
- Changed DEFVAL of object pingCtlDescr from
DEFVAL { '00'H } to DEFVAL { ''H }
- Changed DEFVAL of object pingCtlSourceAddressType
from DEFVAL { ipv4 } to DEFVAL { unknown }
- Extended DESCRIPTION clause of pingResultsTable
describing re-initialization of entries
- Changed SYNTAX of pingResultsProbeResponses and
pingResultsSentProbes from Unsigned32 to Gauge32
- Changed status of pingCompliance to deprecated
- Added pingFullCompliance and pingMinimumCompliance
- Changed status of pingGroup and pingTimeStampGroup
to deprecated
- Added pingMinimumGroup, pingCtlRowStatusGroup,
and pingHistoryGroup"
REVISION "200009210000Z" -- 21 September 2000
"Initial version, published as RFC 2925."


Automatically extracted from IETF RFC 4560.

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All rights reserved, Orange © 2024
Tree display Parent OID: mib-2(1) First child OID: pingNotifications(0) First sibling OID: reserved(0) Previous sibling OID: ptopoMIB(79) Next sibling OID: traceRouteMIB(81) Last sibling OID: iptfsMIB(246)
Separation line
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